Best Fish for your Backyard Pond! 

The Thrifted Planter

Koi fish are colorful ornamental varieties of domesticated common carp (Cyprinus carpio) . They are specifically bred for their vibrant colors and attractive patterns, and are prized for keeping in outdoor ponds and water gardens.


Goldfish are relatively small fish,  typically growing to only a few inches  in length. However, there are some  varieties that can grow up to  a foot long. 

Gold Fish

While the term "minnow" is  often used generically for any small fish,  true minnows are smaller members of the subfamily Leuciscinae.  


Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) are a vibrantly colored species of trout native to cold-water tributaries of the Pacific Ocean in Asia and North America . They are a popular freshwater fish for both recreational fishing and aquaculture due to their attractive appearance and delicious meat.

Rainbow Trout

Algae eater fish, also known as algivores, are a diverse group of fish that specialize in feeding on algae and other forms of plant matter in freshwater and saltwater aquariums . They play an important role in maintaining a clean and healthy aquarium by helping to control algae growth.

Algae Eaters